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Home Dental Crowns: The Benefits of Protecting Your Teeth

Dental Crowns: The Benefits of Protecting Your Teeth

04 February 2023

Dental crowns are an essential aspect of restorative dentistry that can provide a wide range of benefits to people who need to protect their teeth. Whether you are looking to restore a damaged or decayed tooth, protect a weakened tooth, or improve the appearance of a tooth that is misshapen, discolored, or otherwise unsightly, dental crowns can help. This article will explore the many benefits of dental crowns and why they are a valuable solution for anyone who wants to keep their smile healthy and beautiful.

Protection for Damaged or Decayed Teeth

One of the primary benefits of dental crowns is that they can protect damaged or decayed teeth from further harm. If you have a tooth that is weak or has a large cavity, a crown can help to reinforce it, keeping it from cracking or breaking and preserving its structural integrity. Crowns are also useful for protecting teeth that have undergone root canal therapy, as they can help to prevent the tooth from becoming re-infected and keep it strong and stable.

Restoration of Tooth Function

Another benefit of dental crowns is that they can restore the function of a damaged or decayed tooth. If you have a tooth that is too damaged or decayed to be restored with a simple filling, a crown can be used to cap the tooth and restore its normal shape, size, and function. This means you can eat, speak, and smile normally again without worrying about pain, sensitivity, or further damage to your tooth.

Improving Tooth Appearance

Dental crowns can also improve the appearance of a misshapen, discolored, or unsightly tooth. Crowns are available in a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and metal, so you can choose one that matches the color and translucency of your natural teeth. This makes it possible to get a crown that is virtually indistinguishable from your other teeth, improving your smile and giving you the confidence you need to show it off.

Protecting Weak Teeth

A dental crown can provide extra protection if you have a tooth that is naturally weak or has become weakened due to injury or disease. Crowns can help to keep weak teeth from cracking or breaking, preserving their integrity and preventing further damage. This can help you to avoid the need for more extensive and invasive dental procedures, such as dental implants or bridges, which can be both expensive and time-consuming.

Reducing Tooth Sensitivity

Dental crowns can also help reduce tooth sensitivity, which is a common issue for people with damaged or decayed teeth. Crowns can provide a protective layer that covers the entire exposed portion of the tooth, reducing the amount of heat, cold, and pressure that reaches the sensitive inner parts of the tooth. This can help relieve discomfort and prevent further damage, making it easier for you to enjoy the foods and drinks you love but may have been avoiding due to tooth sensitivity.

Preserving Tooth Structure

Finally, dental crowns can effectively preserve the structure of a damaged or decayed tooth. By encasing the entire visible portion of the tooth, a crown can help to keep it from breaking down further, preserving its shape and size and preventing the need for more extensive and invasive dental procedures. This can help to keep your smile healthy and beautiful for years to come, allowing you to enjoy all the benefits of good oral health and wellness.

Whether you need to restore a damaged or decayed tooth, protect a weakened tooth, or improve the appearance of a tooth that is misshapen or discolored, we are here to help! Serenity Advanced Dentistry in Cedar Hill, TX, is here to provide you state of art, dental crowns. We specialize in providing restorative crowns in about an hour, and that is a big improvement from the old multiple-appointment process! Call us for a free consultation; we look forward to meeting you!

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