Pain Free for Everyone
At Serenity Advanced Dentistry in Cedar Hill, TX, Dr. Allala provides extractions ranging from simple tooth removal to surgical removal. She focuses on a comfortable, pain-free experience for patients facing this often unsettling procedure.
No one looks forward to having a tooth pulled; the thought of an extraction is enough to leave most people full of dread. Unfortunately, some circumstances leave no other option than a tooth extraction. An estimated 74% of adults have had at least one tooth extracted, making it one of the most common dental procedures. Being such a common occurrence is of little comfort when it comes to having one of your teeth pulled. Having a dentist like Dr. Allala, who is dedicated to making your extraction as painless and trauma-free as possible, is a great way to make the best out of a bad situation. Dr. Allala understands how challenging dental treatments can be, so it is important to her that her patient's dental experience is as stress-free as possible so they can relax and get the care they need.

Why would a tooth need to be extracted?
There are many reasons a tooth may need to be extracted. Here is a list of some of the more common issues:
- Trauma to the tooth
- Impacted wisdom teeth
- Severe crowding causing misalignment of other teeth
- Extensive decay
- Broken tooth too damaged for crown repair
- Preparation for orthodontics
- Complications of periodontal disease
Whatever the reason for the extraction, with Dr. Allala and her team, you can rest assured that you are in skillful hands to deliver the best care available.
Types of Extractions
There are two types of common extractions; simple and impacted tooth extractions. Impacted extractions require oral surgery to remove The tooth shape, root, and accessibility dictate the removal method.
Here is a look at the differences between the different extractions and what you can expect during and after the procedure.
Simple Extractions
As the name implies, simple tooth extractions are straightforward and the easiest to perform. This removal technique is used when there is no need to access the tooth below the gumline. The dentist will numb the area surrounding the tooth and ensure you are comfortable before using forceps to remove it. The dentist will grasp the tooth and gently rock it back and forth to facilitate pulling it out. You will not feel pain, but there may be a sense of pressure. Depending on the amount of manipulation required to remove the tooth, you may or may not require sutures. A gauze pack is placed over the extraction site to help stop the bleeding. You can expect the bleeding to stop within two hours.
After the extraction, it is recommended that you take it easy and rest for 48 to 72 hours. Some patients take a day or two off work, but depending on your job's physical demands, you may be able to return the next day. Speak with the dentist to get specific recommendations for your situation. Healing from a simple extraction is complete in three to four weeks.
Surgical Extractions
X-rays are taken before treatment to determine the best course of action for an extraction. A surgical extraction is done when the tooth is broken or surrounded by very dense bone, has not fully erupted, is impacted, or has long curved roots.
As in the case of a simple extraction, the area around the tooth will be completely numb to ensure you are not in pain during the surgical extraction. Many people opt for sedation dentistry for this procedure, and Dr. Allala will review all the available sedation options and answer any questions you may have before your surgical appointment.
For a surgical extraction, a flap in the gum is made to expose the tooth. In some cases, the dentist must remove some bone tissue to provide better access to the tooth. Tooth sectioning is when the dentist must cut into pieces to enable removal. After removing the tooth, sutures are used to close the flap.
Recovery time from surgical extraction is longer than that from a simple extraction. Rest for 48 to 72 hours is essential to facilitate healing and to allow a blood clot to form over the extraction site. Dislodging this blood clot can lead to complications like a dry socket which can be very painful. Because this is a more invasive procedure, you should not resume strenuous physical activity until a week after the extraction. Your job's physical requirements will determine how much time off you will need to recover. Be sure to discuss this issue with the dentist so you can plan with your employer accordingly.
This is a basic description of surgical extraction, and the dentist usually has a clear idea of what to expect for your extraction. That said, a good dentist expects the unexpected. Sometimes things go differently than anticipated, and the dentist has to adjust at that moment. You want to be in the capable hands of a dentist with vast experience in extractions of all types, like Dr. Allala.
Serenity Advanced Dentistry is here to provide state-of-the-art dental services. Going to the dentist just got a lot more comfortable in Cedar Hill, TX.