Not just any Whitening
Most dentists offer in-office teeth whitening, one of the most popular cosmetic services, because of its impact on your smile. Having a bright, dazzling smile can shave years off of your appearance and add a boost to self-esteem. No wonder it is the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatment!
At Serenity Advanced Dentistry, we are proud to offer KöR, widely recognized as the most effective teeth whitening product on the market.

What is so special about KöR?

Predictable Results, Every Patient, Every Time
Teeth whitening products sold over the counter or in dentists' offices have been notoriously unpredictable. Many factors affected the results, and nothing could be guaranteed until KöR entered the market. KöR is so confident in the degree of whitening you will experience that it is backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Your smile will be markedly brighter. KöR will whiten your teeth an average of twice as much as other in-office whitening services. Studies show that KöR smiles are a whopping 16 shades lighter than before whitening, a difference previously impossible to achieve. That is impressive!
Perhaps even more impressive is that KöR can whiten teeth affected by conditions such as tetracycline stains and fluorosis, which are incredibly resistant to typical whitening processes. For patients with these dark stains, this is game-changing. Before KöR became available, patients with these stubborn stains would have to resort to veneers to whiten their smiles; now, they can enjoy a dramatically whiter smile with their natural teeth. See our before and after photos; the difference is incredible!
No Sensitivity issues
With other teeth whitening products, teeth sensitivity is a common side effect, and the most your dentist can do is try to help alleviate the sensitivity after your treatment. With KöR, your teeth are pre-treated with a special desensitizer applied before treatment, preventing sensitivity from occurring. If you have ever experienced sensitive teeth, you know what a huge improvement this is.
No Damage to Teeth
Whitening products, both professional and over the counter, carry the potential to damage the enamel of teeth. With KöR whitening, there is no damaging demineralization, so teeth remain as strong as they were before the KöR treatment. Now, you can have the best of both worlds, bright and strong teeth!
How KöR works
KöR is different because of the manufacturing and storage process used. Great care is taken to ensure that the product is always in a temperature-controlled environment. Why is this so important? Over-the-counter and professional teeth whitening products have one thing in common; peroxide gel is the whitening agent. The problem occurs when the gel is not kept in a refrigerated space to maintain its potency. Peroxide gel quickly degrades when exposed to even slightly warmer temperatures and becomes much less effective. KöR products are kept refrigerated from the moment they are made until they are delivered to the patient to remedy this issue. Keeping the gel cool enables KöR to guarantee that they have the highest quality gel in their product. Better product, better results!
Another significant difference with Kor whitening system is the delivery method. The dentist will make custom-fit trays that hug your teeth perfectly. These trays are critical to the success of the treatment because they block the gel from getting out and any saliva from getting in and diluting the gel. The gel remains in place and at full potency throughout treatment because the custom trays fit so well.
Call us today to schedule an appointment at Serenity Advanced Dentistry to get the KöR whitening system for your smile. The bright smile you have always dreamed of can now be a reality.